Wednesday, August 20, 2008

(OTCBB:WWAT) WorldWater & Solar Technologies, Corp. (OTCBB:WWAT) WorldWater & Solar Technologies, Corp.
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Nation's Most Visible Solar Array Dedicated at Denver International Airport
Tuesday August 19, 11:45 am ET
Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper Joins with Project Partners - MMA Renewable Ventures, WorldWater & Solar Technologies and Sharp - to Celebrate Solar Electric System Generating Clean Power at Fifth Busiest U.S. Airport

DENVER, Aug. 19 - recently, a two megawatt solar energy system was dedicated at Denver International Airport . The solar photovoltaic system, spanning seven and a half acres at the airport's entrance, will generate over three million kilowatt hours of clean electricity annually, demonstrating Denver's commitment to environmental sustainability by reducing carbon emissions into the atmosphere by more than 6.3 million pounds each year.
Celebrating the system's dedication was Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, together with the following executives and dignitaries: DIA Aviation Manager Kim Day; Dick Kelly, chairman, president and CEO of Xcel Energy; MMA Renewable Ventures CEO Matt Cheney; Frank Smith, CEO, WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp.; and Ron Kenedi, vice president of Sharp Solar Energy Solutions Group.
MMA Renewable Ventures, a subsidiary of Municipal Mortgage & Equity, LLC "MuniMae" which financed, owns and operates the two megawatt system, joined with WorldWater and Denver International Airport to develop an innovative public-private partnership, leveraging tax credits and incentives to finance this landmark solar power system. This partnership enabled the City of Denver and Denver International Airport to deploy this solar array under a long-term contract or Power Purchase Agreement . Designed and installed by WorldWater, using more than 9,200 Sharp solar panels, the new ground-mounted photovoltaic solar arrays employ a single-axis tracking system that follows the sun during the day for greater efficiency and energy production.

"This installation at Denver International Airport fits with our Greenprint Denver action agenda for sustainability and our pledge to do all that we can to reduce our carbon footprint," said Mayor John Hickenlooper. "We are proud to have such a large and prominently placed solar power system at DIA. This installation is both a symbol and a practical example of the City's commitment to renewable energy."
Added Kim Day, aviation manager for Denver International Airport, "DIA has a long-standing commitment to sustainable operations and environmental protection. This project makes a visible environmental statement to the millions of passengers that travel through our airport."
Frank Smith, CEO of WorldWater commented, "We are delighted that such a major metropolitan airport as Denver International has embarked on a solar energy system that is as impressive in scope as this two megawatt installation, which is the equivalent in size to seven football fields. In addition, our expertise in designing and installing commercial-scale solar systems enabled us to address the complex power needs of a major transportation hub like Denver International."
"By securing power through a power purchase agreement rather than major capital investment, DIA will benefit from a renewable energy system that is cost-effective from its very first day of operation, and for years to come," said Matt Cheney, CEO of MMA Renewable Ventures. "Our collaborative effort serves as an example of how successful public-private partnerships can help municipal facilities make the most of tax credits and other incentives available for solar energy."

Ron Kenedi, vice president of Sharp Solar Energy Solutions Group, noted, "As a leading global solar provider, Sharp is proud to be part of this tremendous effort to help Denver achieve its ambitious sustainability goals. This solar PV system will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, electricity costs, and grid constraints - while helping to improve Denver's air quality and the region's overall environment."
"This project is right in line with the clean energy future we envision at Xcel Energy," said Dick Kelly, chairman, president and CEO of Xcel Energy. "We were pleased to play a role in helping Denver and Colorado meet the ambitious goals its leaders have set with the Renewable Energy Standard and Greenprint Denver."
The project is part of the Xcel Energy Solar*Rewards program and will receive a rebate to offset the upfront construction costs. Xcel Energy will purchase the renewable energy credits from the clean electricity produced in support of Colorado's Renewable Energy Standard, which requires large utilities to generate 20 percent of their power from renewable energy sources by 2020.

One of three U.S. airports to be accepted into the Environmental Protection Agency's National Performance Track Program, DIA's solar project illustrates how sustainable development can work as an integral operating principle - while the airport maintains a successful, profitable business, breaking records for passenger traffic and earning high customer satisfaction ratings. The array is one of the largest solar installations at any public airport in the U.S.
Operated by the City and County of Denver, DIA is the fifth busiest international airport in the United States, serving nearly 50 million passengers annually. With the City of Denver, Xcel Energy has developed an educational display in DIA's Jeppesen Terminal to explain the benefits of solar energy.
B-roll video of the Denver International Airport solar power system can be downloaded from: GtwaFJFQlE9PQ

About MMA Renewable Ventures
A subsidiary of Municipal Mortgage & Equity, LLC "MuniMae," , MMA Renewable Ventures finances, owns and operates renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in the United States. The Company provides leases, Power Purchase Agreements and other customized financial solutions to help its customers manage energy costs. MMA Renewable Ventures is dedicated to delivering competitively priced, clean energy and energy savings to customers, strong partnership options for project developers, and exceptional opportunities for institutional investment in the clean energy sector. For more information about MMA Renewable Ventures, visit

About Sharp Solar Energy Solutions Group
Sharp Solar Energy Solutions Group, based in Huntington Beach, California, is a unit of Sharp Electronics Corporation, the U.S. subsidiary of Sharp Corporation, Osaka, Japan. Sharp is a world market leader in solar cell production, and offers both standard and integrated roof modules for home and business applications. Sharp also is the U.S. market leader and maintains solar panel assembly operations at its manufacturing facility in Memphis, Tennessee. The solar manufacturing facility assembles a variety of panels for residential and commercial installations.
Further information on Sharp's commitment to solar energy, its product line and the ways in which Sharp makes it easy to go solar is available online at Sharp Electronics Corporation is the U.S. subsidiary of Japan's Sharp Corporation, a worldwide developer of one-of-a-kind home entertainment products, appliances, networked multifunctional office solutions, solar energy solutions and mobile communication and information tools. Leading brands include AQUOS® Liquid Crystal Televisions, 1-Bit digital audio products, SharpVision® projection products, Insight® Microwave Drawer® appliances, Plasmacluster® air purifiers and Notevision® multimedia projectors. For more information visit Sharp Electronics Corporation at

About WorldWater & Solar Technologies
WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. is a full-service solar electric engineering, design and water management company with unique, high-powered and patented solar technology providing solutions to a broad spectrum of the world's electricity and water supply problems. The company also features Mobile Max Pure®, a portable, solar powered pumping and water purification system capable of purifying up to 30,000 gallons of potable water daily. In addition, WorldWater recently merged with ENTECH, Inc., a high-technology solar energy company specializing in patented solar concentrating and PVT systems. ENTECH's systems can produce electrical output, a combination of electricity and thermal energy or thermal energy alone. Commercial applications vary in size from one kilowatt remote power units to large, multi-megawatt utility power plants. For more information go to or

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