Thursday, August 21, 2008

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VIASPACE Subsidiary's $750,000 Army Contract for Robotic Detection of Chemical Warfare Agents and Explosives Featured in Defense News
Wednesday August 20, 8:30 am ET

PASADENA, Calif., Aug. 20 - VIASPACE Inc. subsidiary Ionfinity has been awarded a $750,000 Phase II contract for its proposal entitled "Advanced Robotic Detection of Chemical Agents, Toxic Industrial Gases, and Improvised Explosive Devices s for Force Health Protection" submitted to the Army Small Business Technology Transfer Program. The contract was recently featured in Defense News in an article entitled:
Sniffing Out Bombs From a Distance Sensor Will Sample Air, Measure Molecules By William Matthews Published: 18 August 2008
In that article, Mr. Mathews is quoted as follows, " ... The Army has hired several companies to build fast, super-sensitive detectors to protect soldiers. One of them, Ionfinity, says it plans to build a sensor capable of detecting roadside bombs from a distance of about 100 feet..."

Ionfinity's goal is to complete the process - sampling, ionizing, analyzing - in about six seconds. Ionfinity expects to have completed field demonstrations and be ready to begin production in about two years. The company received a $750,000 contract from the Army's Small Business Technology Transfer program.
Ionfinity's goal is also for its sensor to be able to transmit its findings wirelessly to troops waiting at a safe distance. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is among several organizations collaborating with Ionfinity.
James Weiss, Chief Technology Officer for Ionfinity indicated that, "This new sensor will change the paradigm used for future chemical detection and analysis, making it much more convenient, sensitive, selective and timely."

About VIASPACE: Founded in 1998 with the objective of transforming proven space and defense technologies from NASA and the Department of Defense into hardware and software solutions that solve recently's complex problems, VIASPACE benefits from important patent and software licenses from Caltech, which manages NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. VIASPACE is located in Pasadena California. For more information, please see, or contact Dr. Jan Vandersande, Director of Communications at 800-517-8050, or
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RealPennies .
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