Thursday, August 21, 2008

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AlphaTrade Delivers Impressive Financial Results for 2nd Quarter and Updates Shareholders
Wednesday August 20, 9:00 am ET

VANCOUVER-AlphaTrade is announcing income of $2,396,552 or $0.05 cents per share , on revenues of $3,233,757 (up 163% from Q2 revenues of $1,226,605 in 2007).

It is with great enthusiasm that we enter the fall of 2008 - we have experienced some remarkable growth in our first two quarters of 2008. More importantly, we have established our company with a viable and successful digital marketing business in addition to our existing stock quote services. We have made significant improvements in all facets of our marketing business and are particularly excited by this year's innovations and incremental product introductions.
"Our advertising program is gaining momentum and the outlook for the balance of the year is strong. Our impressive performance in the first two quarters demonstrates the strength of our digital advertising business model," said Penny Perfect, CEO of AlphaTrade.
"Our growing reputation allows us to deliver a full spectrum marketing campaign over a period of time. We have built numerous strategic partnerships that continue to send us business on an ongoing basis. This quarter's strong revenue growth, continued working capital improvements, second consecutive quarter of margin improvement and earnings are the result of our team's commitment to being operationally fit and opportunity driven," further states Penny Perfect.

Our growth strategy for the balance of 2008 is to continue to build our digital and online advertising programs. This includes the expansion of our more traditional offerings as well as promoting our newly established business networking site The launch of ZenoBank this summer is progressing well and we anticipate this growth to accelerate over the fall months.
Revenue growth is up significantly and after well over a year of intense work to add new customers and new products, we are seeing the results. Our international exposure is also on an upswing and should contribute to our profit performance in the balance of 2008. We are continually pursuing new business opportunities that will assist us in fast tracking our revenue growth. Our business model is about delivering superior quality customer care to improve customer loyalty ultimately resulting in a larger increase in referral business.
We are confident that we will hit our financial performance targets for 2008. We believe our hard work and investment in customer service will position the company for the targeted growth acceleration we are predicting for next year. We plan to leverage our core competencies and our superior product mix to maximize the returns on these opportunities.
Perfect continued, "Given our performance to date in 2008, we consider our stock to be an outstanding value at recently's share price and will begin to aggressively market our services and our company. In the meantime, the people at AlphaTrade are enthusiastically pursuing our goals to provide continued value to our customers and therefore enhancing shareholder value."

This news release and more information about AlphaTrade are available at

The above news release contains forward-looking statements. These statements are based on assumptions that management believes are reasonable based on currently available information, and include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company and its management. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performances, and are subject to a wide range of business risks, external factors and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements. The Company assumes no obligation to update the information contained in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

LAST $0.16 USD

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RealPennies .
Telephone: 1-646-417-8211
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