Monday, June 9, 2008

Turning Pennies into dollars: (OTC: NXPC), (OTC: SRSR), (OTCBB: OPAI), (OTCBB: FEEC)

Turning Pennies into dollars: (OTC: NXPC), (OTC: SRSR), (OTCBB: OPAI), (OTCBB: FEEC)

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NeXplore Technologies is developing a Web 2.0 search engine and an assortment of social networking portals and tools that will enable users to personalize their Web experience and tailor it to their unique needs, interests, and online pursuits. The Company's social computing platform,, offers an enhanced, user-friendly graphical interface search engine, combined with innovative backend technology, which enables users to improve the way they connect with information and other people on the Worldwide Web. MyCircle's Web 2.0 interface provides users with an online tool for sharing their Blogs, Voice-Over IP, photos and documents, podcasts and videocasts, classified advertising, instant messages, SMS text messages, Chat and personal profiles.

NXPC News:

June 6 - NeXplore Corporation Transitions Newly Acquired to NeXplore Grid Server

NeXplore Leverages Grid Layer From Layered Technologies for Fast Integration, Speedy Launch, Instant Scalability

NeXplore Corporation (OTC: NXPC) announced the successful transitioning of the recently acquired website to the NeXplore Grid Server. Powered by The Grid Layer hosting solution from Layered Technologies, in combination with 3Tera Inc.'s virtualization software AppLogic, the NeXplore Grid Server is the company's virtual private data center for efficiently and cost-effectively operating and managing NeXplore's growing portfolio of Web 2.0 products and destinations.

The rapid transitioning to the NeXplore Grid Server of enables NeXplore to quickly monetize and scale this popular website that provides tools for fast-and-easy audio and video podcast creation, publishing and management. Upon acquisition by NeXplore, had approximately 245,000 unique users, a number NeXplore plans to significantly grow by the end of 2008.

NeXplore currently utilizes the NeXplore Grid Server to host and manage NeXplore Search, the company's recently launched Web 2.0 search engine optimized for a superior end-user experience, rich-media display and social network integration. NeXplore is working to integrate podcasting capability into NeXplore Search.

"The quickness, low cost and relative ease with which we were able to transition to the NeXplore Grid Server validates our decision to utilize this cutting edge hosting and application management system," said Dion Hinchcliffe, chief technology officer for NeXplore Corporation. "The pace of innovation today is blistering. Web companies hobbled by the cost and complexity associated with traditional infrastructure - datacenter co-location, private racks and managed hosting services, etc. - are destined for extinction. The road to success in today's dynamic Web 2.0 world - the path that NeXplore is forging - is paved with glitch-free performance, speed-to-market and instant, on-demand scalability."

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Sarissa Resources is an American junior exploration company that identifies and explores mineral properties in North America. Currently, Sarissa has interests in properties with base metal, precious metal, uranium and niobium prospects in Northern Ontario, Canada.

SRSR News:

June 6 - Sarissa Resources CEO Issues Shareholder Update

Sarissa Resources, Inc.'s (OTC: SRSR) CEO, Scott Keevil, issued a letter to shareholders providing a general corporate update and outlining recent developments and key ongoing initiatives. The letter reads as follows:

Dear fellow Sarissa Resources shareholders,

Since taking on the leadership role with Sarissa just 6 months ago, I have had the opportunity to direct and oversee the acquisition of an outstanding mineral property for our company, the Nemegosenda carbonatite property, and to begin to formulate the strategy for an exploration and confirmation program. We have made phenomenal progress in this short time, effectively graduating from a very junior exploration company with exciting yet undeveloped potential, to a company with ownership of a world-class asset, one with a historic reserve base reported at 20 million tons of 0.47% Nb2O5 material, as outlined initially by Dominion Gulf Company.

Moving forward, the immediate goal for Sarissa will be to confirm and rapidly increase the size of the historic 20 million ton resource base at Nemegosenda. While we have no control over world markets or the value of resources, we do have control over the definition of those resources. To that end, a significantly larger resource base will be aggressively pursued through confirmation of the main ore zone; explorations for extensions of the main ore zone; more detailed analysis for possible additional values in uranium, tantalum and rare earth elements; exploration on the East Zones to further define the known niobium occurrences there; as well as exploration on some of the under-explored areas of our property. Fortunately, we happen to be living in a day and age when we are able to apply modern exploration and analysis techniques to the property that may not have been available to the geologists working for Gulf Minerals approximately 50 years ago when Nemegosenda was first explored.

Leading the charge on this front, we have been fortunate to attract some top-notch geological talent to the Board of Directors to assist us in analyzing the historic data, and in planning and implementing ongoing exploration activities: Dr. Cam Cheriton, a Harvard University educated Economic Geologist with a vast knowledge of the geology of Northern Ontario; and Alan Hawke, a seasoned exploration geologist with outstanding credentials both in mineral exploration and in mine building.

In March we began the process of independently assessing the historic geological work done on the property and developing an exploration plan to bring the deposit into NI 43-101 compliance. The results of that independent assessment confirmed that, "based on a comparison of the Dominion Gulf and OGS [Ontario Geological Survey] historical work done to date... is detailed and of high quality." Further, "The detailed work of the OGS in the 1970s and 80s has largely confirmed the interpretations and the historical exploration work of Parsons and the Dominion Gulf Company."

Alan Hawke has begun the process of having the extensive database of geological information that we have digitized, including the data from the drill logs of more than 60 holes comprising some 35,000 feet of drilling. This will allow us to generate a fairly complete 3-dimensional model of the main ore zone, allowing us to very specifically target the drilling we need in order both to confirm and to expand on this zone. Once the data is in electronic form we will have a geological consulting firm translate it into a 3-dimensional model. The combination of all this data into one easily-managed model should greatly assist us in our ongoing exploration and development of Nemegosenda, both in targeting and in economizing our overall exploration expenditures.

In recent days and weeks, the Company has had a crew working at the site on road rehabilitation. The crew has completed a 600 meter drill path from one of the ancillary lumber roads into the Main D Zone and work is continuing on the existing network of lumber roads to upgrade them to allow heavy equipment to be delivered to the site. Additionally, Sarissa has received verbal information from a local source that entered and followed the 580-foot adit in August of 2007 to the end and has reported that it is dry and in good shape for rehabilitation, an assessment that Sarissa will next endeavour to confirm.

With respect to the Company's financial footing, we have recently retained the services of an auditing firm to audit the consolidated financial statements of Sarissa Resources in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principals (GAAP) and to provide the Company's Board of Directors with an opinion on them in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), and we are currently in the midst of that process. This will be another step in our progress toward improving the company's corporate and listing structure.

As far as financing the Company's growth is concerned, the Company's management team is committed to accessing capital in a responsible manner having recently completed a few small private placements of restricted shares to raise the necessary funds to complete these early stages of our evolution. Furthermore, we are committed to continue to balance our capital requirements with our desire to maintain a reasonable share structure through judicious placement activities. All told, after accounting for recent private placements and share issuances in which 14,250,000 Sarissa Resources shares were allocated, the Company's fully diluted capital structure is comprised of 740,116,058 common shares outstanding, of which 264,030,000 are restricted.

In summation, the vast scale of this exciting exploration target requires a professional approach to determine the ultimate extent of the deposits, and both I and the rest of the management team are motivated by the potential of this project and look forward to reporting new results and developments as they occur. We are excited about the potential that lies ahead and thank you for your patience, loyalty and your continued support as we move forward. We can only hope that the next 6 months will be as exciting and productive as the first 6 have been and we will continue to communicate regularly on our progress as we strive to reach our goals.

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Orient Paper engages mainly in the production and distribution of products such as copy paper, uncoated and coated paper, digital photo paper, corrugated paper, plastic paper, kraft paper, graphic design paper, antifraud thermal security paper and other paper and packaging-related products. For more information, visit

OPAI News:

June 6 - Orient Paper Expects to Produce $40M in Revenues from Conversion to Anti-Counterfeit Paper Production Line

Orient Paper Inc. (OTCBB: OPAI) (the "Company"), a large paper milling manufacturer announced recently that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Hebei Baoding Orient Paper Milling Co, Ltd, has started to transform the current anti-counterfeit production line, planning to complete this transformation within the next several months. The market price of this paper is approximately $2,000 to $4,500 per ton and the Company expects to produce a minimum of 10,000 tons annually in the first year.

Anti-counterfeit paper, using advanced technology to insert security lines, which are gold or plastic lines, will become one of the Company's major products. Various anti-counterfeit patterned papers are produced by putting colored fiber into white pulp to create visibly patterned, shaded paper. This paper is used widely in printing various valuable securities.

Mr. Zhenyong Liu, CEO of Orient Paper stated, "Once the transformation of the production line has been accomplished, we expect to be able to produce 10,000 tons or more within the first year of production. This equates to approximately $40 million in revenues for our Company and $6 million in net profits. Simultaneously, we will be upgrading our products, and entering the high-grade paper industry which will open up additional revenue streams to the Company in the future. This will lay a solid foundation for the Company to have sustainable growth in the future and provide enhanced returns to our shareholders."

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Based in Houston, Texas, with offices in Beijing, Kunming, and Taiyuan City, China, Far East Energy Corporation is focused on CBM exploration and development in China through its agreements with ConocoPhillips and China United Coalbed Methane

FEEC News:

June 6 - Far East Energy Announces Operations Update Call

Far East Energy Corporation (OTCBB: FEEC) announced that it will host an operations update call Wednesday, June 11th, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. Central Time. Michael R. McElwrath, CEO and President, will introduce and be joined by Phil Christian, newly appointed Chief Operating Officer (COO), during which time Mr. Christian will provide an update on operations and highlight the Company's drilling plan.

To access this event, please go to the Far East Energy web-site, or dial 1-866-412-1097 (U.S. participants), or 1-706-634-5763 (International participants). The pass code for all callers is 50671464. Questions submitted by call participants will be taken via the Company's website only.

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