Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Turning Pennies into dollars: (OTC: ERUC), (OTC: SYMW), (OTC: CYPW), (Pink Sheets: EFGU), (OTCBB: NNVC).

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Jun 16, 2008 - ER Urgent Care Centers (OTC:ERUC) recently announced that it was one of three companies selected to make presentations to the Baltimore Washington International Airport for the purposes of opening a medical clinic within the airport terminal. Company executives have just returned from the presentation with very high hopes of being selected as the company to open within the airport. The daily volume of passengers at BWI is 56,000. Total number of employees at the airport is 26,000 from various employers. "These numbers are very significant to the success of a center. Travelers plus workers adds up to winning combination. ERUC's business plan as well as the large number of insurance companies that we are contracted with attracted the attention of the BWI officials," said Mark Solomon ERUC President. Our nationwide contracts for healthcare, workman's comp. and travelers' insurances are vital to being selected. ERUC lead the group with the largest number of contracts in all categories.

About ER Urgent Care

ERUC Management Company Inc. operates ER Urgent Care Centers in the South Florida area. The "true, bona-fide," "Urgent Care Center" is a one-stop-shop where patients can receive premier health care, after-hours, at a fraction of the cost of emergency room visits. With the "Urgent Care Center" model emergency rooms will no longer lose money on ER patients with minor injuries and illnesses and the HMOs will no longer have to pay exorbitant claims for non-admitted patients. ER Urgent Care Centers create a win-win situation for everyone, filling the financial and service gap between primary care physicians (PCPs) and hospital emergency rooms.

For more info: http://symw.realpennies.com

SymPowerco Corporation (Pink Sheets: SYMW) (Mon, June 16, 2008, 8:30am ET)

SymPowerco Corporation CEO John Davenport announces benchmark performance and operational details of SymPowerco Corporation's unique Flowing Electrolyte Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (FE DMFC).

The company's operational 5 Watt (5W) FE DMFC, located in the laboratories of SymPowerco's development partner, Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, proves the viability of the Flowing Electrolyte principle by demonstrating a 30% improvement in output of the fuel cell stack compared to previous designs. The stack generates up to 5 Watts of power with all cells in the stack converging towards essentially identical performance.

The 5W stack demonstrates that the flowing electrolyte design effectively eliminates inefficiencies caused by methanol crossover, a performance-limiting factor found in other DMFC designs. The 5W stack also demonstrates a viable method of removing methanol from the recirculated electrolyte, a method that indicates the potential for several additional operational and performance benefits in future commercial designs.

The 5W stack has provided SymPowerco and its partners with design criteria and performance data that are serving as benchmarks in the design of the imminent next phase of our Flowing Electrolyte DMFC development program.

Stated SymPowerco CEO, John Davenport, "We are very pleased with this 5W unit. It's going to continue to provide us with design and performance data, even as we ramp up the many aspects of our fuel cell program. Almost everything we do next will be based on the benchmarks provided by this fuel cell stack and the hybrid power system that it powers."

SymPowerco Corporation develops advanced fuel cell and power delivery systems for the rapidly growing personal transportation and portable power system markets being created by today's energy and environmental challenges.

For more info: http://cypw.realpennies.com

Cyclone Power Technologies, Inc. (Pink Sheets: CYPW) (Mon, June 16, 2008, 9:19am ET)

Cyclone Power Technologies, Inc. announced that The Miami Herald has featured Cyclone and its revolutionary, eco-friendly engine in its Monday technology section.

Miami Herald reporter, Monica Hatcher, wrote of the award-winning Cyclone Engine and its inventor Harry Schoell: "The rising cost of gasoline, growing acceptance of the evidence behind global warming and the impact of dirty fuels on the environment have quickly brought investors and industry leaders around for a new, more serious look at his enterprise."

Ms. Hatcher also interviewed Joe Audette, an automotive analyst at Global Insight, who she reported saying: "'The engine's ability to run on multiple fuels could give it a significant edge in the marketplace. While engineers and the economy sort out which fuel sources work best, a fuel-flexible engine like the Cyclone could prove useful during the transition,' Audette said."

"We're extremely pleased to receive the attention of the Miami Herald," Cyclone's CEO, Mr. Schoell, commented. "Achieving additional coverage recently from the Orlando Sentinel, Los Angeles Times, Popular Science Magazine, Design News, EngineeringTV.com and the Sun Sentinel is so valuable in bringing the Cyclone Engine's story to the public."

In addition to media attention, Cyclone has recently received wide validation of its technology by being awarded: the 2008 (and 2006) Tech Award at the Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE) World Congress in Detroit; the 2008 "Environmental Business of the Year" by the Environmental Protection Department of Broward County, Florida; and Popular Science magazine's 2008 "Invention of the Year."

"The public at large, media and now industry titans are taking notice of our revolutionary engine technology," noted Mr. Schoell.

For more info: http://efgu.realpennies.com

Empire Film Group, Inc. (Pink Sheets: EFGU) (Mon, June 16, 2008, 7:12am ET)

Empire Film Group, Inc. ("Empire Film") (http://www.empirefilmgroup.com) has pegged release dates in January, 2009, for a high-profile, consumer advertising and promotional campaign in support of three of the company's initial theatrical titles onto DVD and Blu-Ray video formats. "Hounddog," and two other theatrical films being announced by Empire next week at the Home Media Expo show, will appear in video stores and mass merchants beginning January 20, 2009, and will be supported with national television and radio ads, a consumer sweepstakes and in-store merchandising.
"We've assembled a powerhouse line-up of commercial titles and a consumer marketing campaign that should appeal to mass merchants and video retailers for this key release window," said Eric Parkinson, CEO of Empire Home Entertainment, the distribution division of Empire Film Group, Inc. "The post-holiday season video window has proven to be as good, and in some cases better, for quality independent features on video, and we feel that January dates will deliver the best video rental and sales results for our September and October theatrical releases."

"Hounddog" is a coming-of-age drama starring Dakota Fanning and Robin Wright-Penn that Empire will launch to theatres nationally beginning September 5, 2008. Based on media interest in the film, Empire is targeting $15-million in gross box office, which should be matched in video revenues, based on the January campaign. Empire plans to cross-promote "Hounddog" with two other theatrical titles opening in September and October, for a combined box office goal of $30-million and cumulative video shipments worth $25-million.

"Our theatrical and video goals are conservative in relation to major studio levels," said Parkinson. "But we feel we have set realistically obtainable targets that will deliver substantial bottom-line dollars to Empire based on the value of these titles and our efficient operations as an independent studio. We look forward to meeting with key retailers at the Home Media Expo show next week and locking in-store campaigns for this exciting, multi-title January video launch."

In the past three months, Empire Film Group has acquired six, completed theatrical titles from independent suppliers to supplement the company's in-house production slate. Additionally, Empire Home Entertainment already self-distributes over 150 DVD titles, making Empire one of only three fully integrated and self-contained independent film studios.

For more info: http://nnvc.realpennies.com

NanoViricides, Inc. (OTCBB: NNVC) (Mon, June 16, 2008, 7:00am ET)

NanoViricides, Inc., (the Company) said that its lead anti-HIV drug candidate demonstrated markedly superior survival results in the test animals when compared to those animals given the anti-HIV combo cocktail in a double-blind animal study. The three-drug combo cocktail used for comparison is one of the most frequently used triple combination therapies in humans.

The Company reported that the best nanoviricide anti-HIV drug candidate improved total hours of survival time by 99% with respect to appropriate controls. In contrast, the combo therapy improved survival hours by only 52%. Furthermore, AZT, the first drug used in humans to treat HIV/AIDS, failed to show any survival improvement, as was expected, in this lethality-based animal model study.

The Company also reported that the average body weight loss, a measure of the degree of illness in the experimental subjects, was only 11.4% after treatment with this nanoviricide drug candidate, as compared to 12.9% in those treated with the combo cocktail, and to 23% average body weight loss seen in the untreated control mice.

We believe these are dramatic results, said Eugene Seymour, MD, MPH, CEO of the Company, adding that if these results can be duplicated in humans, triple combo therapy with its toxic side effects may well be replaced in the near future with a much safer single HivCide-I  nanoviricide therapy.

Another advantage of the HivCide-I nanoviricide is that the treatment can be combined with other existing drug regimens for substantial added benefits, said Anil R. Diwan, PhD, President of the Company and inventor of the technology, explaining further that strong improvements should be possible when a nanoviricide is combined with conventional regimen because nanoviricides are designed to act by a novel and completely different mechanism from existing anti-retroviral drugs.

As for vaccines [against HIV], it was difficult to predict when they would be developed, but it could be some 10 years from the present time, remarked Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, at the United Nations General Assembly High Level HIV/AIDS Meeting held on June 10 (http://www0.un.org/News/briefings/docs/2008/080610_AIDS.doc.htm). Several high level officials have stressed the need for development of better drugs against HIV. Jean-Francois Delfraissy, Director of France's National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis, said that research "must continue to develop new therapeutic strategies," in Senegal on May 27, according to xinhuanet

AZT is a well known anti-retroviral nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI). The combo cocktail employed as a positive control in this study consisted of AZT, 3TC (another NRTI), and Crixivan (Merck, a Protease Inhibitor), administered orally. All other drugs were administered as injections. Treatment was started 24 hrs after the mice were infected with high (1200 LD50) levels of mouse-adapted HIV-I virus particles. Treatment was repeated twice more at 48 hr intervals.

The studies were performed at a Bio-Safety Level 3 Laboratory (BSL-3) facility in Boston, MA. These mouse model studies were conducted by Dr. Krishna Menon, PhD, VMD, MRCS, a world-renowned authority in preclinical and toxicological studies of innovative therapeutics. The Company plans to report additional results from this study as they become available over the next several weeks. The Company is now designing additional studies with the objective of filing an investigational new drug application (IND) to the FDA in the future.

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