Monday, April 17, 2023

Matt Hagen & Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad Poor Dad

Matt Hagen & Robert Kiyosaki

 Matt Hagen & Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad Poor Dad

In a photo featuring Robert Kiyosaki and Matt Hagens together, we see two individuals who have made significant contributions in their respective fields. Kiyosaki, a celebrated American entrepreneur, investor, and author, has written over 20 books on financial literacy and has designed educational games and programs aimed at teaching asset-building, passive income, and investing in real estate and businesses. His ideas have inspired millions of people to take control of their financial lives and strive for financial independence.

On the other hand, Hagens is a multi-talented tech wizard who has been at the forefront of innovative technology for years. As the founder of Hagens Media, he has developed hundreds of websites and apps that have made a significant impact in various industries. His expertise in coding, design, and marketing has allowed him to create digital products that are not only visually stunning but also highly functional and marketable.

Together, Kiyosaki and Hagens represent the best of their respective fields. Kiyosaki's financial teachings and Hagens' technological innovations both offer solutions that empower individuals and businesses to achieve their goals. Their combined expertise serves as a reminder that success is not only about making money but also about using one's talents and resources to make a positive impact in the world.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Is the Stock Market is open or closed: Stock Market hours & closures

Investing in the stock market can be an exciting and rewarding way to grow your wealth over time. But, it can also be a complex and challenging task, especially for beginners. That's why it's crucial to have access to accurate and up-to-date information, so you can make informed decisions about your investments.

One of the most important pieces of information you need as an investor is the stock market schedule. Knowing when the market is open and when it's closed is critical for making trades and managing your portfolio . There are several resources available to help you stay on top of the market schedule.

One great resource is, a comprehensive website that provides information on stock market hours and closures. This website is an excellent tool for any investor who wants to stay informed about the market and make informed decisions.

The website's home page provides a detailed schedule of the current day's trading hours, as well as a countdown to the next market open or close. This information is essential for anyone who wants to make trades or adjust their portfolio during the trading day.

Additionally, the website provides a wealth of information about upcoming market closures, such as holidays or planned shutdowns. This information can be vital for planning your investments and ensuring that you have the liquidity you need when you need it.

Another valuable tool for investors is the Atomic Stock Market Clock. This clock displays the current time in each major stock market around the world, including New York, London, Tokyo, and Sydney. This information is especially useful for investors who trade in international markets, as it allows them to track market hours.

By using both the stock market schedule and the Atomic Stock Market Clock, investors can stay informed about trading hours and market closures, allowing them to make informed decisions about their investments. With the right tools and knowledge, investors can navigate the stock market with confidence and increase their chances of success.

Of course, staying informed about the market schedule is one part of successful investing. It's also essential to stay up-to-date on market news and trends, as well having a solid understanding of the basics of investing.

It's important to understand the difference between stocks and other types of investments, such as bonds or mutual funds. Stocks are shares of ownership in a company, while bonds are debt instruments issued by companies or governments. Mutual funds, on the other hand, are pools of money that are invested in a diverse range of stocks and other assets.

It's also important to understand the concept of risk and return. In general, stocks are considered to be riskier investments than bonds or cash, but they also offer the potential for higher returns. As an investor, it's important to balance your desire for high returns with your tolerance for risk, so you can build a portfolio that's appropriate for your goals and needs.

In addition to these basic concepts, there are many other factors to consider when investing in the stock market. For example, you'll need to think about your investment goals, your time horizon, and your tax situation. You'll also need to consider the fees and expenses associated with different types of investments, as well as the potential impact of inflation and interest rates.

There are many resources available to help you learn about these topics and make informed investment decisions. Online brokerages, financial news websites, and investment blogs are a few examples of the many sources of information that are available to investors.

Banks Shutting Down for Presidents Day? Here's What You Need to Do

Banks are closed on Presidents Day.

When a holiday weekend hits, things can get pretty hectic, right? Between family gatherings, last-minute shopping, and changing decorations, it's easy to lose track of which days your bank is closed. But don't worry, you can find out if your bank will be closed on a particular holiday by visiting or checking your bank's website.

For example, let's take Presidents' Day as an example. It's a bank holiday listed in the Federal Reserve System's holiday schedule, which means that most financial institutions will have closed branches on Monday, February 20, 2023. Yet, some banks like TD Bank will remain open.

If you're banking with an online bank or credit union, keep in mind that transactions may be delayed until the next business day. It's always a good idea to plan ahead and have some cash on hand in case you need it.

Banks close on federal holidays, and most have a holiday list on their website or in their FAQ section. So be sure to check that out so you can prepare ahead of time. During holidays, brick-and-mortar banks will close their branches or change their hours, and customer service hours may also vary depending on where you bank.

Presidents Day is an important federal holiday that celebrates the contributions of all past Presidents of the USA. While it can be an inconvenience to have banks and credit unions closed on the day, it’s important to remember that the holiday is a time to reflect on the sacrifices and accomplishments of our nation’s leaders. If you need to do any banking on Presidents Day, be sure to plan ahead and make alternative arrangements. And if you’re not sure whether your bank or credit union will be open on the day, don’t hesitate to check with them to avoid any potential surprises.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Don't be that guy making the "air check" hand motion at a restaurant to close your tab. It's 2022, use the No Chat app.

Picture being in a noisy bar trying to order a drink, but the bartender can't hear the order. No Chat can broadcast that msg on any screen.

No Chat, a new app that helps get a drink faster at a loud bar.No Chat is the only app (available for download in the iPhone APP store) that allows simple billboard-style communication in a short visual range. Think of it like a virtual billboard displayed from any phone to tell someone a custom msg from across the room. An absolute must-use app when in a noisy bar trying to compete with a group of strangers by yelling a drink order. No Chat allows a user to create a quick custom msg that is displayed and flashed on any mobile phone screen. It can display custom messages and has quick templates for users to select from to display or answer commonly asked phrases such as: "close my tab" and "can I have another round". It draws attention to the text by pulsating the screen in a strobe light style fashion. Just imagine this app is acting as a virtual billboard to get someone's attention instantly by merely flashing a mobile device screen at them.

"I started seeing a trend in bars and concerts where people took blank Snapchats to write a quick msg on their screen to communicate and thought there has to be a better way!" said Matt Hagens, president of HagensMedia, LLC. and the creator of No Chat.

No longer does a concert goer have a hard time telling Jack Harlow that "she has a fat..."

^--That actually happened. 
Watch the video here:

Available for download on an Apple iPhone at:

Also available on Android and any Google Play Store supported device by going to:

This app also promotes Covid social distancing by limiting having to yell an order across the room at a crowded bar. No Chat can even display actual "morse code" via the flashlight to help communicate secretly over a large room.

Friday, May 27, 2016

The technology bullshit generator

Charlotte, North Carolina, May 24, 2016, a new web tool that helps you generate and come up with some of the tech industries most popular buzz words.

In the ever-changing technology landscape, it’s hard to stay in the know and sound important in the corporate world. You need to arm yourself with catchphrases. When you tell people that you are busy "streamlining efficient web-readiness" -- People listen. Seriously, no bullshit. It’s one of the best ways to deliver value-added verbal bandwidth in 2016.

"It can take years working in technology to learn all the proper acronyms to use." said Matt Hagens, president of HagensMedia, LLC. the parent company of "Outsiders might think tech phrases sound bizarre, but to people in the industry, it's serious business to sound knowledgeable.... Our goal is to be the web app that you’re looking at under the meeting boardroom table."


The technology bullshit generator was created to help you sound super knowledgeable in your next meeting. Our goal is to build websites and apps that nobody really needs or wants, but somehow find traffic and an audience. is a Charlotte, North Carolina based start-up company developed by Matt Hagens of HagensMedia, LLC. Mr. Hagens has a strong background in both technology & bullshit, with a sound passion for fancy tech jargon.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What time does the Dow Jones open? Market Closure 5th of July

Dow Jones doesn't open and is an index that is measured on the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange). The NYSE opens at 9:30 am EST and closes at 4:00 pm. EST

Find our more at:

What are the companies that make up the Dow Jones Index?

It has changed over the years to reflect the changes in the important companies in

the U.S. economy. But currently the 30 companies that make up the Dow are

* Alcoa

* American Express

* AT&T

* Boeing

* Caterpillar

* Coca-Cola

* Citigroup

* (Walt) Disney

* DuPont

* Eastman Kodak

* Exxon Mobil

* General Electric

* General Motors

* Hewlett-Packard

* Home Depot

* Honeywell


* Intel

* International Paper

* Johnson & Johnson

* McDonald's

* Merck

* Microsoft

* 3M

* JP Morgan

* Philip Morris

* Proctor & Gamble

* SBC Communications

* United Tech

* Wal-Mart

The 2010 US Stock Market Closure Schedule - Holiday Schedule

New Year's Day January 1, 2010

Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 18, 2010

President's Day February 15, 2010

Good Friday April 2, 2010

Memorial Day May 31, 2010

Independence Day July 5, 2010 (Observed)

Labor Day September 6, 2010

Thanksgiving Day November 25, 2010

Day after Thanksgiving A Early close 1:00 p.m.

Christmas December 24, 2010 (Observed)

Find out the post office closures here:


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

(OTC:RRLB) Red Reef Laboratories International, Inc

Turning Pennies into dollars: (OTC:RRLB) Red Reef Laboratories International, Inc

Are you a public company looking for exposure?

Contact - 212-662-2147

For more info:

Red Reef Labs in Major Diversification Move

(OTC:RRLB) Red Reef Laboratories International, Inc.

Red Reef Labs in Major Diversification Move

Tuesday February 17, 4:15 pm ET

Enters Alternative Energy Technology Sharing & Project Development Agreement With Solargy Systems, Inc.

DEERFIELD BEACH, FL and NAPOLEONVILLE, LA-Feb 17, 2009 - Red Reef Laboratories International, Inc. has announced it has entered into a technology sharing and power development project agreement with Solargy Systems, Inc, of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The Photovoltaic industry generated $17.2 billion in global revenues in 2007.

In an agreement signed this day, Solargy and Red Reef plan a 10 MW hybrid renewable energy installation to be built on Red Reef's 84 acre Napoleonville property in Louisiana.

Dr. Claus Wagner-Bartak stated that Red Reef's agreements with Abalam of Vancouver, Canada will give the JV a considerable advantage in this burgeoning industry.

1) Red Reef has licensed Abalam's Proprietary Full Spectrum Solar Technology for non-military applications and will co-develop the Low Light Source Solar Technology with Abalam and Solargy for commercial and residential applications. The technology replaces the use of glass with almost any material and allows for existing surfaces such as metal roofs and even stucco siding to be converted to energy producing solar panels. The technology has been uniquely designed for relatively small mechanical or robotic devices and research is underway to increase the output amperage sufficient for commercial or residential applications. The companies expect to be able to scale the technology up to large scale applications in about 18 months.

2) Red Reef/Solargy and Abalam have entered into agreements to develop Red Reef designs for super efficient wind turbines which operate in low wind speed conditions, (less than the industry-required minimum of 4 m/sec/or 12mph). This newly conceived applied technology will enable wind turbines to perform optimally in low wind conditions , perhaps where wind power has been considered impractical until now. The companies believe the technology to produce a super-efficient wind turbine will be commercially available in less than two years.

Solar Assisted Reciprocating Weight System: Red Reef has commissioned Abalam Corporation to design a unique high efficiency four bladed wind turbine system that uses a computer controlled, solar and gravity enhanced reciprocating counter balanced wind turbine blade design. The outer shell of the wind turbine will be treated with Abalam's unique liquid solar skin, designed for military micro robotics, to independently generate all of the power to operate the control and mechanical systems that will enhance the turbine blades' efficiency. The unique programmable weight distribution mechanics will allow far higher electrical generation under normal operating conditions and increase the wind turbine range of wind load where it can generate electricity. The entire tower and blade will be treated with a broad spectrum, low light solar skin that will also generate surplus energy from any high or low light source making the entire installation a giant solar cell. This will be the first of a series of wind turbines designed to be completely independent and be self generating in all respects.

Solargy and Red Reef will have a competitive edge as developers and Independent Power Producers using these new efficient wind turbines. The companies intend to license their patented windmill technology to turbine manufacturers.

About Red Reef Laboratories International, Inc.:

Red Reef Laboratories International, Inc. is a diversified scientific research, development, and marketing group established to assemble, develop, commercialize and bring to market a variety of products. The first series of products combine advanced surfactant technology and increasingly "green" compounds to create specialized formulas for the disinfection and decontamination of equipment and surfaces. A second series of products has been developed which are specially formulated nutritional items for the health and wellness industry. The company has recently stressed the importance of broader diversification. For more information, please visit the Company's web site at You are also invited to visit Solargy Systems, Inc and Abalam Corp. at: and:

"Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995:

With the exception of historical information, the statements set forth above include forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties. The Company wishes to caution readers that a number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Those factors include, but are not limited to, the risk factors noted in the Company's filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, such as the rapidly changing nature of technology, evolving industry standards and frequent introductions of new products, services and enhancements by competitors; the competitive nature of the markets for the Company's products and services; the Company's ability to gain market acceptance for its products and services; the Company's ability to fund its operational growth; the Company's ability to attract and retain skilled personnel; the Company's ability to diversify its revenue streams and customer concentrations; and the Company's reliance on third-party suppliers.


Contact: Red Reef Laboratories Peter Versace, Sr. VP 954-725-9475   Source: Red Reef Laboratories International, Inc.

Profile for Red Reef Laboratories International, Inc.

Red Reef Laboratories International, Inc. engages in the development, manufacture, distribution, and sale of surface disinfectants primarily in the United States. It principally develops products for animal husbandry, veterinary applications, hospital decontamination, military, and homeland defense uses based on proprietary surface decontaminating technology principally in the United States. The company’s products fight against bacteria, viruses, and fungi infestations of living environment. Red Reef Laboratories primarily offers advanced mold remediation products, including BioClear TKO heavy duty cleaner for mold – mildew – algae, as well as BioClear2000, an advanced detergent/disin... Detailed RRLB Company Description...

Find out more about RRLB

Investors are advised that this analysis is issued solely for informational purposes and is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy. This report does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person who may receive this information. The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable but is not guaranteed by us as being accurate and does not purport to be a complete statement or summary of the available data. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Please consult a broker before purchasing or selling any securities mentioned on

Any opinions expressed herein are statements of our judgment as of the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. This may contain forward-looking statements and are not guarantees of performance. Reproduction of this without written permission is prohibited.

Phone: 212-662-2147

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